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Who is behind the project?

How did the Project arise?

iMIND is the result of a joint innovative project carried out between the companies Integrated Worlds and Métrica6, in collaboration with the Smart City Cluster and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation within the call for innovation projects AEI 2020-2021

Purpose of the project

iMIND aims to become a fundamental tool, both for companies that have processes that need to be monitored (since decisions are made according to the variability of environmental parameters) and for companies that have been affected in their processes or habits by the impact of COVID-19, in the forced Transformation to Industry 4.0.

With the development of this project, Integrated Worlds and Metrica6 intend to increase their portfolio with an innovative solution focused on the Industrial Sector and Smart Cities, promoting the integration of client companies in industry 4.0 – as well as cities – alleviating the problems caused due to the impact of COVID-19. Therefore, the achievement of the project will improve the position and competitiveness of both SMEs in the market.

The presentation of this proposal will be made in collaboration with the consultancy Metrica6 and the business cluster Smart City Cluster. The iMIND project has been developed with the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation within the framework of the call for innovation projects AEI 2020-2021 for the Promotion of Competitiveness in SMEs.

Safer Urban Environments

Facing the reality of cities in the Post-COVID era, iMIND fuses both digital and physical innovations to improve the hygienic conditions of cities. On the one hand, it has devices to monitor air quality, control the flow of people and manage the operation of dispensers. These devices are interconnected thanks to various applications linked to the iMIND digital platform.

iMIND optimizes the acquisition, management and analysis of data (both in real time and historical) from the activity in different spaces of the cities. In this way, the Integrated Worlds and Metrica6 proposal, in collaboration with the Smart City Cluster, aims to contribute to the generation of safer urban environments in relation to COVID-19 and, therefore, transmit tranquility to achieve a normality that allows the development of commercial and leisure activities.

The Team behind iMIND

Eduardo Dueñas Ladrón de Guevara

CEO at Metrica6

Miguel Angel Martín Rodriguez

CEO at Integrated Worlds